Add Business

Promote your business today!

Get your PRIORITY placement before your competitors do. Join Pinehurst Guide, add your company profile to the directory and promote your business.

Complete your profile, add all important information and we’ll  send people straight into your business.

How to Join Pinehurst Guide in 5 simple steps:

  1. Fill in your email, username and choose your package
  2. Click on Sign Up (Buy with PayPal)
  3. Pay for package on PayPal
  4. Check your email for login info
  5. Log in and add your business to the Directory Portal.

Price Packages


Searchable Listing in Sandhills Guide plus your Local Village Guide (Pinehurst, Southern Pines or Aberdeen)
Get Listed in Seconds
3rd in Search Results
NO Website or Email Links (0)
Ads on Listing
Only 1 Category - Only 1 Image


Searchable Listing in Sandhills Guide plus 1 Village Guide (Pinehurst, Southern Pines or Aberdeen)
$49/mo or $490/yr
Good ROI
All Basic Items
2nd in Search Results
Website & Email Links - clickable
No Ads on Listing
Categories (3) Images (3)
Coupons/Offers (1)
Event Listing (1)
Front Page Listing (Revolving)

Frequently Asked Questions


Why should I advertise my business in Pinehurst Guide?

Pinehurst Guide is the local authority directory website that provides every Moore County business owner with a free mobile-friendly and search-optimized business listing.

Can I list Events and Special Offers?

Business (1) and Premium (unlimited) packages include Event Listings and Special Offers.

Free listings may add an offer or event for $25. 

Why should I pay for a Business or Premium listing if I can get on for free?

Our goal is to provide the most complete directory to residents and visitors so we offer all businesses and services a free listing. 

By upgrading your business, your listing placement takes priority and provides more detailed information so your listing stands out from your competitors.

Statistics show that paid business listings receive an average ROI greater than 25:1.

How will people find my listing in Pinehurst Guide?

We promote Pinehurst Guide via Social Media, Google Search and PPC (Adwords)

One of the major benefits of a Premium Listing is priority placement on both the Home page and top of the Category page. The added exposure on Social Media and Search Engines will also benefit your website search results.

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